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                                    Joke of the Day


     Animationen animierte Emails Briefe                       Cool Sayings

-To err is human,to forgive divine

-Sometimes the best gain is to lose

-Forgiveness is the best revenge

-Second thoughts are sometimes best

-Be kind to those you meet on your way up,for they will be the ones on your way down

-Half way up is always half way down

-A good turn deserves another.Sometimes a bad one too

-Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown

-You have to keep up to know what is going on down

-Those whom  God loves die young

-Happyness is where you are and what you want to be

-Where there is a will there is a way

-If you look you look you are sure to find.If you listen you are sure to hear,if you ask you will definitely be told.

-Where wisdom is bliss it is folie to be wise

-Pride comes before a fall

-He who laughs last laughs best (though it is uncertain for him waiting to laugh last if he will ever laugh)

-Two heads are better than one.(Here too the type of head matters)

-Two is company,three is disturbance

-Work is the most convenient rent we can pay for the space who occupy on Earth

-When the heart is empty the brain is useless

-Do not judge and you will not be judged

-The evil that men do live after them

-Live is a whole drama of sadness with interluding scenes of happiness.

-Well begun is half done

-Every cloud has a silver lining

-Time heals all wounds

-Two wrongs never make a right

-You cannot eat your cake and have it (You cannot have your cake and eat it)

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1)The man who made it did not want it.The man who wanted it did not need it.The man who needed it did not know he had it.What is it.

2)It is the begin of Enemity and Error and it is the end of Time and Space.what is it.

3)You want to go to heaven and you move along a road which leads there.but somewhere along this road you come to a point where the road seperates in two.You have to choose one road and only one and follow.If you should follow the wrong road you will arrive in hell instead.At this point of two seperated roads there is a hut in which 2 brothers live.One of the brotheres;all that comes out of his mouth is lies.The other brother ;all that comes out of his mouth is always the truth.You decide to ask at the hut for help.You do not know which brother will open the door when you knock and you are allowed to ask only one question.Which question would you ask so that no matter the brother who opens the door,the answer he gives will be the right answer.Remember you have to ask only 1 question and you do not know which of the 2 brothers will open the door. 




Well people I ám tired and will stop here for today.I promise to bring in some more sayings and a couple of proverbs and Riddles tomorrow(Answers to the riddles will be put up next week as links,till then you have time to think over the answers.

I am also putting up 1 of my picture tomorrow(26.04).The Daily joke might come very late in this week or only as from early next week.

Bleib cool Leute und machen sie es sauber,Fru(webmaster) 

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